Professor Jean-Herve Tortai, LTMLab, Grenoble, France
Dr Patrick Schiavone, Aselta Nanographics, Grenoble, France
Professor Michel Lenczner, FEMTO-ST, Besancon, France
Professor Nicolas Ratier, FEMTO-ST, Besancon, France
Professor Frederic Zamkotsian, LAM, Marseilles, France
"Our mission is to introduce Modelling and Simulation to everyone in the most practical way, escpecially to Vietnamese students. We use open-sources such as FEniCS (FEM), Paraview, Gmsh, FreeCAD and Python. Our scope covers a wide aspect of industrial problems like CFD, semiconductor, plasma, MRI and MEMS. Each of us has BS in pure Mathematics, MS in Applied Mathematics and PhD in Applied Mathematics."
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